Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Bible tells me so

The number of self-help books on the market today amuses me. The fact that Dr. Phil has a talk show amuses me even more. I must admit, though, that I’ve read my fair share of them.

I read my first self-help book, How to stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie, when I was a teenager. Not that I was a depressed teenager or anything, but a neighbor was cleaning out his room and gave it to me. I was very impressed by the book. It detailed a lot of philosophies and actions that will definitely improve your life. Over time, I have read several of those types of books. Most recently, I read “The Secret.”

Throughout my college and work experience, I have attended numerous seminars that are aimed to develop leadership and personal skills. Most of the seminars were beneficial. After reading all of these books and attending the seminars, I began to realize that most of these books and speakers basically said the same thing. Although these books helped me somewhat, most of the actions they suggested came to me naturally as I aged. Some might call that personal growth.

However, I cannot attribute any personal growth to a self-help book or seminar. These people that are making money by promoting “self-help” are basically stealing their material. This stuff has been around long before Dale Carnegie or Dr. Phil. Most of it’s elementary and should come natural. What’s scary is the fact that the actions recommended by these “gurus” don’t come natural to some people.
The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is the basis for most self-help books. The rest is base on other biblical principles and teachings of Christ (Really? You didn’t expect Dr. Phil to save you, did you?).

Realizing this, I am aghast at the amount of people in these seminars that act as though they are amazed that these techniques work. They act as though they have never heard of these principles before. I’ve seen people amazed that they could benefit from a more productive workforce, have better relationships, and have better general communication skills by simply listening to a person and showing genuine interest in that person. Is that really new knowledge? “But the greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:11-12).

Why is so difficult for people to have good relationships. Why is it so amazing to learn that we can be more effective by improving our relationships? It sounds as if people have become so self involved that they become insecure in their own vanity. “Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God” (Exodus 20:5).

It is scary to me that so many people do not realize the basic principles to simply live and get more out of life. The Secret teaches that you can have anything your heart desires by simply believing in it. They left the part out about a belief in God and having faith. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” (Matt 7:7). So now basically, self-help books are stealing the gospel, selling the gospel, but leaving the gospel out of the gospel.

I guess maybe it’s not their fault. We have become so politically correct in this country that we are afraid to offend anybody. Mtv’s The Real World, a show that promotes underage drinking, irresponsibility, and unnatural sexual acts, has been on the air for nearly 20 years now. It has inspired countless “reality” shows that basically promote excessive lifestyles and irresponsibility on a larger scale. An entire generation has been raised with valueless role models. During this same time period, the word God has been stricken from nearly everything with the exception of the GD curse word. I’m not a preacher by any means (nor am I Glen Beck), but I can definitely see the correlation between the lack of social skills and values and the lack of faith.

The country was begun with a revolution. The British considered us traitors. Would we be considered traitors now if we began a revolution of sorts. We definitely need to change people’s minds. Besides, they want us to change their minds. They spend millions of dollars every year on books by self-help gurus to help change their mind.

I wonder what would happen if a high school teacher that taught business or leadership began using the bible as their textbook. They would probably be fired. However, you can find most leadership principles that I have been taught in seminars and other books in the bible.

I could understand the teacher not wanting to do something like this because he would be fired. However, this is exactly how a revolution was started when the ACLU first wanted to eliminate the bible from class and replace it with evolution. Much like teachers are not allowed to mention God now, they could not mention evolution in the 1920s. John Scopes, a substitute teacher, was basically chosen by the ACLU to be their pansy. He taught about evolution and was subsequently fired. A huge court case was formed that was financed by the ACLU. The court case made a mockery of Christianity and eventually led to many other cases that have led to our current condition of decay.

John Scopes was found guilty and fined, but the case was a landmark for evolution theorists and the ACLU. Why can’t we do the same thing? I’d love to see evolution made a mockery of on a grand stage. Big Bang theory? Cavemen and apes? I’m sorry, but I don’t buy any of it.

Do we need change? Yes, but it’s not the same change that hopeful presidential candidates talk about. We just need to get back to basics. Every rule for life is written in the bible. It’s really not that complicated.

Click here for info on The Scopes Monkey Trial

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